The power of NO.

What a freeing word "no" is. There are times in my life where I did not understand the power this word had on me and in If unless I was told I could not do something. No is a freeing and a bondage term.

Often times when we say no to something we open our schedule we make room for something and many times God uses this space to even more divinely show his power and his presence in our lives.

However, no can be crushing. Saying no to someone is powerful. These two letters have the power to impact someone's thoughts actions or emotions for the rest of their lives. I am not saying to stop using the word no is regards to people and situations, I am saying be mindful of what you are saying no to and more importantly why you are saying no.

God does word in and through, "no's", closed. Doors and broken dreams so never give up hope, faith, and assurance, in our God who is able to do immeasurably more.


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