My One Word 2015?

The other day was Christmas and if you are like many of us the realization that it came so fast was quite stunning. For some reason even though I felt ready for it this year it was almost still too soon. Rushing around getting things accomplished and then me deciding to go on a missions trip in December did not make the month slow down any either.

After all the hype and the excitement that Christmas brings yesterday I was asked a question by mom that I had not given any thought to yet this season.

What is your word going to be for next year?

Now if this question does not make any sense to you that is ok. This was started a few years back by my church at the time in Wilmington where our pastor challenged us to choose a word that would help define our year the next year and give us a new focus and lens to see the coming events through. People have chosen all different words but the key to this is really thinking and simmering on just one word, not a phrase or quote but a single word that can change your mindset.

If you want to know more about it check it out here There is a book that goes along with how this word came about and it is wonderful you can purchase it from the site also.

Past words for me have been many from two years in college them being the same word Trust because I felt that God was not finished teaching what he started teaching me in year one, to BE, Perseverance, aware, and the list goes on.

However, I have not thought of a word for this year. There are so many things that I want to accomplish if any of you have seen my bucket list you know that this is true, yet there is this understanding that God works through those things but also changes our hearts and minds to what he desires but not always what we desire. How can one word allow me to be open to that change and yet aware of his presence and his hope?

That is where we stand. Currently wordless in a sea full of words that permeate our lives our minds and our actions but I find myself silent in the world full of loud. Wondering waiting and willing to hear what he has for this coming year.

Do you have one word? What is it?


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