Breath it in!

Doing a little work outside on this beautiful day and contemplating how great things actually are. Sure there are things going on all around us that we could focus on and would really annoy, stress, or even drive each of us crazy if we focused on them. In fact some things may do all three, however for this moment I am releasing all of that and focusing on the beauty that is before me. There is a breeze which makes this wonderful day all the better.

Though spring is not officially here spring forward is upon us and will create an interesting larger gap in my work schedule which I will need to work with. There is the joy of the birds chirping in the morning which adds to help wake me up and get me out of bed for if they can be up so can I. There is the more sunlight that allows me to go for walks after work and it isn't dark or even during lunch and it is not freezing.

I know the winter will come again and stay for a few days I can feel it, but I also know that there is something about this time of year when everything blooms that is simply stunning and beautiful.

So today take a moment to breathe it all in. To feel the fresh air and to release everything that may be stressing you out and driving you crazy. Remember who you are created by, who loves you and who supports you. All of these things contribute to you being happy, healthy and well rounded. We don't have to do them each day and life happens to where there are seasons however for moment breath in the fact that you are not in control and how ultimately freeing that is.

Happy Friday.


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