
Ok so lately there have been so many things going on in life that I have not taken the time to blog.
With school, work, working on the old house and our own, attempting to finish my May Europe scrapbook, all have become long over due. I hope to begin completing some of these this week.

Our newest addition to the family is absolutely a mess, he still is figuring out the lay of the land and his paws are so huge it is halarious to watch attempt to climb the steps.

At church I have the Fall Carnival coming up where all the kids come and play games. I am beginning to stress over the games the candy and the supplies but somehow I know that it always works out, which is really neat.

The other day we went over to the old house even my grandma and we took up carpet, rug doctered the other carpet and are beginning to make it a suitable place to live.... hehe excited. I am ready to get some different paint on the walls, thanks Katy for giving me that gene and it will begin to look as good as new.

No word on Haiti yet but trusting that God has a plan. More pictures to post soon of the new look to the old house, the dog, family and what not. I am going rafting next week with a friend who has never been so adventures will be there as well. I will talk more soon! Lots of Love


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