Go away closer
Changing Life Styles in 5 days. I found out that I have access to internet hopefully weekly while in Belize, this makes me happy. I don't mind being disconnected from technology infact sometimes it is welcomed but I am glad that I get to check in more often than I thought, I kinda like and will miss my family and friends and I want to check in with them as I would normally over the summer.
There are still many things that I am not sure what I will be doing but God knows and I have to be ok with that. With the changing of the groups and things up until the last minute, I am just glad I will be with people who have done this before. I am not looking forward to lugging my luggage around but I have packed all the junky clothes so I can throw them away throughout the summer, for it to become lighter and I am determined to have only one suitcase and a carryon, granted the suitcase is already 42 pounds and I am not finished packing.... Don't expect any cute pictures with all the old clothes haha. I am the first of the three assistants that are getting to the airport so I get to hang out and each lunch with the people that are picking me up, then we will pick up the other two when their flights come in, one is from Southern California, another from Washington State. This will be interesting and fun. We have training the first three days and I have access to internet each day during that so that is great as well.
I do have an address you can check in with mom on that one, as well as I think I can get any imessages or facetime, for free, when in a service area. Checking with Verizon again on that one.
Trying to put away the stress and the fears and know that through the anxiousness God is still saying come on this journey with me.
Heart pounding but excited, it is time for me to yet again "Go away closer"
Thoughts love and prayers.
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