Great Connection for a Great Sacrifice
It was Easter yesterday. It is crazy to think about how fast time flies, how few weekends are in a year, and how many years pass before we know it. But it is a reminder to take time out for the little things no matter where we see them and where we find them.
Find worship moments
Find rest in chaos
Find quiet in storms
Find hope in darkness.
The resurrection reminds us of each of these. Reminds us who we were, who we are and where we stand.
I was a part of a Color Run on Saturday and it is this concept where you run a 5k and then at different points in the race you are hit (literally color is thrown at you) by colored corn starch. No harm no foul but if you were on the outside looking in you could think, why do people want to run into something knowing they are going to be hit by something else. Crazy concept but on a MACRO scale that is what Jesus did for us. He ran straight into the mocking, the death, the persecution, knowing what was coming but knowing there was joy ahead. The joy for me in the color run was not only the fact that I can say I participated in another 5k (which I don't do often) but the joy was when the race was over the color that I was literally stained with from face, clothes to shoes. It is this concept that I could do nothing to stop the color from coming at be but I knew that the end result was going to be priceless.
This is what God/Jesus knew, the end result of the resurrection was going to be priceless it was going to be a time which they, and we could never forget, a time each year to worship, rest, find quiet, and restore hope.
God is Good and in my little moment of refection as the blue is still in my hair and on my neck I remember that his pain our stains on his life, were real, were visible and were beyond my imagination, yet his WHITENESS covered all of that!
God is not dead he is SURELY ALIVE. May today you find that Joy and that Peace!
Find worship moments
Find rest in chaos
Find quiet in storms
Find hope in darkness.
The resurrection reminds us of each of these. Reminds us who we were, who we are and where we stand.
I was a part of a Color Run on Saturday and it is this concept where you run a 5k and then at different points in the race you are hit (literally color is thrown at you) by colored corn starch. No harm no foul but if you were on the outside looking in you could think, why do people want to run into something knowing they are going to be hit by something else. Crazy concept but on a MACRO scale that is what Jesus did for us. He ran straight into the mocking, the death, the persecution, knowing what was coming but knowing there was joy ahead. The joy for me in the color run was not only the fact that I can say I participated in another 5k (which I don't do often) but the joy was when the race was over the color that I was literally stained with from face, clothes to shoes. It is this concept that I could do nothing to stop the color from coming at be but I knew that the end result was going to be priceless.
This is what God/Jesus knew, the end result of the resurrection was going to be priceless it was going to be a time which they, and we could never forget, a time each year to worship, rest, find quiet, and restore hope.
God is Good and in my little moment of refection as the blue is still in my hair and on my neck I remember that his pain our stains on his life, were real, were visible and were beyond my imagination, yet his WHITENESS covered all of that!
God is not dead he is SURELY ALIVE. May today you find that Joy and that Peace!
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