Ordinary moment, turned blessing.

Tonight I am late night food prepping for the rest of the week. In an attempt to save money I am cooking and using what I have in my pantry and not going out at all this week, despite bojangles best attempts to sweep me into its drive through on the way home from work.

With that being said I am still in my work clothes. It's almost 10 pm and I am still running around. Which brings me to this moment of brief reflection. The fact that I am in work clothes means a couple of things. I am capable enough to work. I have the financial stability enough to have clothes and for that matter clothes that are compartmentalized into "work" and "fun" categories. I also have food in which I am able to prepare for meals in advance.

Each of these are simply wonderful things. Things on a regular day might get side swept or push away, but things that none the less impact me and the way I impact others.

For in this moment I have been given an opportunity, one in which I grasp, to see my blessings and to pay them forward.

I pray that today or tomorrow you find a moment that God reveals your blessings and how you can share them with others.

Many thoughts and prayers.


  1. I often look in my rear view mirror at that cute sweet face of Isaac and it hits me - I am so BLESSED!! And then I look at a loving, caring, funny, husband, who is truly an amazing father and then BAM again - I am #SOBLESSED - my theme for 2014!!

    So thankful for your new job and your "new" home and the blessing that abound! love you!!!


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