Valentine's day.

So this day is a funny one to me. They say it's all love and celebration. Though this is true for many there are others that are experiencing loss, hurt, or something else. It is this that almost reminds me of Christmas love like Christ birth and celebration should not be celebrated once a year. It is something that should be shared all year long.

How are you acting when it is not scripted for you? Are you showing love, respect, hope and encouragement to those you know and don't know around you? Are you being Christ to the least of these. Once the flowers droop, the chocolates get eaten or thrown away and the red fades, what are you doing that makes a difference in someone else's life?

These are things on days like today I ponder, I wish, and hope that others will see love is not one day a year celebrated but a year long action that was and is given to us by Christ to show others a glimpse of eternity. What glimpse are you showing?

Happy Valentine's day to all of you from Christ who is love.

With love Elizabeth.


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