Just a little bit more.

That moment when you sit there and think,
is the moment when God gives you a wink. 

You have tired and tried and all you've done is conniving, 
but look again, have you really tried striving? 

Trying to be better or smart, trying to imitate is not just an art. 

It takes focus and centering, concentration and spirit and even then sometimes we still don't get it. 

Jesus walked, lived and died for me. 
His life was more than just being on a tree. 

He explained pain, hardship, joy and woes and 
stressed to each of us how to deal with our foes. 

How we walk, how we live, how we act, how we breath, 
is not just a reflection of you or of me. 

This walk point to something greater above
points to hope, light, joy, adoration and love. 

So if you are there way down on your knees, 
remember that he always hears your pleas. 

Your prayers, your requests, your thoughts and your dreams, 
never go unanswered to the King of Kings. 

Take a minute sit right there and relax know that God's always got your back. 

His life is in you apart of his story all in order to bring him the glory. 

Don't lose hope, lose faith, or lose heart because God's always in your corner. 
He is the Great Thou Art. 



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