Treasure the Moments

Today's motivational Monday and there is plenty to be motivated about but not sure what to write about.

I see posts about how many miles people ran, or what they read, or how they were supportive or supported over the weekend and for that I am soooo thankful. Amongst all of the negativity that is out there especially with the political season it is so nice to see this trend still happen.

Today I am just writing how to take time and treasure the moments.

Begin by deep breaths.
Sometimes this is all we need to change our mind our attitude or even our day. Take them in, let them settle and then release everything that they are. Everything that is holding you back. It sounds crazy but man it is crazy what a few good deep breaths can do. Wonder why you have to pass deep breathing tests at the hospital before you are released? It is good for you. It literally is good for your body. Take them seriously, take them often and enjoy that you can just simply breathe.

Our focus so much more needs more focus. Are you stuck on the next level of candy crush, insanely checking facebook, watching the latest banter on who is who is the polls and what dumb things has happened recently. Stop! Delete the apps of your phone or if you are not that brave just move them to a different page on your phone. That simple act will so you how habitual that it can become. Force your pages to make you login each time you go to them. Not only is this safer but it reminds you how much time you are wasting. Focus on the job that you are trying to accomplish and actually do all that you can for it in a specific time limit that you set for yourself.

How have you spent your day? What would you want to do differently? How will tomorrow change if you change the things you wish you changed today? Why will it matter and who will it impact. This requires you to pause again and see what is going on around you. Schedule time to rest. If you don't schedule it, it will pass. Schedule time to check in on others.

There are things that we all know about our life and lifestyles that we know need to change or need tweeking. Pay attention to these areas. Know yourself well enough not to overload your schedule or overwhelm your life. Different seasons allow you to have different amounts of plates that you can spin. Know what you can handle. Rely on others but don't become a crutch. Encourage and edify others just like other encourage and edify you.

Not just to your heart but to those around you. To what your body and others are telling you during your seasons of life. Pay attention to the details because ignoring reality only works for so long.

Enjoy the little things. The task being complete early, the job being submitted, the people on your team pulling their own weight. Enjoy the air, the birds and the smell of spring.



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