Know your limits.

I have been scouring the internet looking at ways to save money, to travel and to live better.
What have I come up with? Well nothing.

I mean this in the sense that the information overload is out there on how to save, travel and feel/live better. Resources upon resources exist to give you ideas, thoughts and understanding on how to be a better you and live a different or better life.

While all of this is fine and dandy there comes a time when you have to do things your way for you and your family. One family is not like the other so things that work for your budget may or may not work for another. The ability to grow your own food, or make your own whatever or even travel to a specific location is dependent on where, how and with what resources in which you live life.

This is not a bad thing this is just a reality. There are so many different things out there take the resources that are always available to you and bend them to work for you. If you can't save money on rent for the time being, save money in another way. If you can't grow food because you literally have no yard space, share resources you have with someone who does grow food and swap using a different currency than money.

I am in and out of the country this entire summer with work. I had the joy of planting seeds and seeing them grow but at this point I know that this summer I will not be able to tend to them while I am gone for weeks at times. So I partnered with family and planted my seeds at their house so they can water them enjoy produce from them as well and I will enjoy produce while I am in town. WIN WIN.

For traveling, I recently just did Air Bnb For the first time. It was a great experience. The host family were awesome and they were super valuable when we needed answers to questions or directions to somewhere. However I know people that have special needs or requests for their lodging while they are traveling and this may or may not work for you.

Know what you are willing to budge on and what are your non negotiables. Knowing these criteria before you step into the ring, whatever ring it may be (traveling, budgeting, etc) will make a much more smooth transition and process knowing what you want to work towards and for.

Many thoughts and prayers. Until next time. EB


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