Breath, just breath
I didn't realize how hard the holidays would be. I knew that things culminated at the holidays but this is unlike any other year. School and teaching all wrap up about the same time, running right into the Christmas holidays. Not to mention my final huge paper is due at Thanksgiving which I haven't started. I need to finish the current one.
Trying to not get overwhelmed is a daily struggle for me and the ability to keep my head above water is something I am still working on.
Ways we still make this happen is just breathing. I did not realize the importance of that until this year. Breath through the chaos, through the hurt, the joys, and the tears. Breathing how simple, how powerful how renewing. Andrew and I are both re-learning how to breath how to enjoy and how to see God in the little things.
The other night we were stressed about a bunch of things and we honestly played battleship to see who won was the picker of what we did for date night. I won by one move (literally one move) what a mood lifter. To be neck and neck in a children's game is just what we needed. We are all kids at heart.
When stressed always revert back to the simple. Revert back to the things that matter the most. Yes the house will help you de-stress if it is clean but that is not the most important thing. Focus on family, focus on friends, and focus on love, even these things will pass away but they will make the most impact.
This morning when I woke up am I still stressed-undoubtedly. However I have a renewed sense to keep pushing through to enjoy the moments, to enjoy the little things and to look for the moments to breath.
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