Passionate Projects

I finally in 2017 finished our 2016 stockings that I made. I was super excited about how they turned out. The materials that I used to sew them together was pretty thick so it was neat to see how it all came together. No, they are not perfect but they are ours and they match so that is fun to say we had matching stockings starting the year we got engaged.

The other two photos are from today's projects we are super excited to see how these plant stands came out. I was about to get five plant stands from my cousin who was cleaning out their Great Aunt's house. They were free but needed some cleaning and TLC and a new color. So I had some leftover wall paint and I look the stands washed them down and then just applied a few coats of the gray wall paint that I had still under my sink. Some of the stands have a few spaces that still are not fully coated but despite my normal displeasure of rustic look I like the way the grain comes through. Here is a before during and after picture of different stands. I am not sure what I am going to do with them other than maybe put a fern or candle on them for the wedding but I may just use them at the house for display.


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