Reflection on the presidency.

Today we have a new president. Today people are happy and today people are sad. Today I mourn and rejoice with them. People are entitled to their feelings their differences and they need to be acknowledged that what they feel is real and though someone else may feel completely different than they do neither one is wrong.

While I did vote and voted for presidency my vote counted just like everyone’s counted no matter who they voted for. It did not count more than the heart that I have and that I show to one another then and now. Together we are greater. Together we make a difference. Together love covers and conquers fear, disappointment, hate and racism. I have many many friends of many many different nationalities located on 6 of the 7 continents (sorry Antarctica,). These people matter, just like I matter and we make each other better with the same capability and potential that we break people down.

Now just like every previous president and previous moment we (the people) have the opportunity to build up, or to break down, to encourage and empower, or to demonize and degrade. The choice and it is a choice every time is left up to us where we have to choose to rise above. We have to choose to do the right thing when others are not. We have to choose to live by truth, as well as love and not one or the other.

It is my prayer for this nation but even more for the world that we can empower each other to be the best people we can be, not for selfish reasons or political, social, or personal gain but for the overall betterment of our society. We have to take time to invest in others, in our environment, and our future so our legacy is one of growth and renewal not one of decay and decomposition.

We are better together: all views, all people, all races, and all differences to listen to, to learn from, and to believe we have a purpose, and a plan. By talking and truly listening in one another the best friendships across all boundaries are formed. It is from my friends with the thoughts and preferences the furthest from mine that often I am most challenged to grow in my own way. I am called to a deeper sense of faith because I am challenged to look deeper than just surface level meanings, and from this I am thankful.

May this day, tomorrow, and whatever (not just the next four years but our lifetimes hold) we be open to listen to one another to learn and to share with love. Yes we will have differences but the beauty of the differences is what makes us strong.

This is my personal prayer for the world despite differences in religious views.

God grant us the power to listen when we want to pout, to close our mouths when we want to first shout and to gain insight and invest in others before we spread rumors and fallacy. May we be reminded of your provision, your wisdom and your grace that is given to us freely if we just ask. Thank you for the ability to choose the ability to learn, and the ability to lean on you. May we continue leaning and ever drawing near to your hope. ~ Amen


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