
So this is both of us writing together as I type Andrew is also speaking.

This year not unlike others in the past I decided to come up with a word for the year a word that has something to focus on and a lens to look through. As Andrew and I were talking we realized that we both wanted our own words to see how God worked, moved and used us but we wanted a word we could have and work on together. With the the wedding this year!!!! AHHHHH and many other things we landed on the word "try". We love to try new things, try adventures, try foods, try fixing things and other concepts so this is perfect for us as we grow together as a couple and as individuals.

"Try" we should try to communicate better,
"Try" we should try to live healthier
"Try" we should try to work for each other and work together.

I will say that Andrew had his first attempt at trying today which was hilarious to watch but a fatal flop. We had some friends over for breakfast and they brought the Green Bolthouse farm smoothie and Andrew tried it, I have never seen a more funny or disgusted face before. Needless to say that he tried it but he did not like it. I am trying to live in the moment today to enjoy all the little things and to breath when things come my way.

This year we "Try" together.

Tomorrow and Wednesday we will reveal our individual words for the year. Stay tuned.


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