The clash of two worlds.

When two things come together it is often messy and tiresome and a burden. It is a time where things do not appear like they used to, a time where realities are shifted and barriers broken and personal space invaded. All of that happens when something clashes. I can’t imagine the tension Jesus felt when he was both God and man. I can’t imagine the tension sometimes I feel or I see others experience. New realities are often forced on one another without their permission and other times because of the consequences of their actions be it good or be them bad. This clash is chaotic, usually loud, and can bring about some crazy new realities. Yet many times this clash is beautiful.

I stood outside watching the heat lightening stretch across the night sky. One after another bolts shot across the sky breaking the darkness and illuminating the sky and its surroundings. The world was still the nose at a whisper but the light so bright for a moment shook time and space and brought me back continuously to its awe. I could not stop looking at the lightening and when it went away the sky was dark and I just stood there waiting for it to strike again.

Life seems this way. We see the clash of the worlds, the words, and the weapons. We see tensions flare over what is said and what is implied. We get judged or judge for what is spoken or the silence we keep and yet many times we feel stuck watching the sky for the next thing to happen, the next illumination and the next jolt of energy. We forget the beauty in the process and the things that come together to make lightening happen. Airs are mixed that are usually separate, worlds, for a moment are altered over and over again. Life continues on.

Clashing is something I do sometimes, too well. Disagree on one thing, butt heads on another, get annoyed in another way. This spirit keeps me always thinking of what is next and what decision I need to make or choice I need to act upon. Yet I forget to love the beauty in the clashing. We all know about the impending wedding that is coming up super-fast. Clashing has definitely happened in that process for sure. Yet through the clash decisions have been made with “Rock, paper, scissors” Other decisions have been made over tears, and other decisions have been thrown out because the “air” = decisions did not mix with the “vibe” of what we were going with. These have led to deep conversations. Intimate conversations and reality checks and understanding of expectations and unmet expectations. This clash of marriage is not something we avoid because of the conflict or conversations that ensue, it something that we yearn for despite the hard conversations because it is worth it.

Our conversations and clashes with God and Jesus should be something we run to not something we avoid. Hard conversations stink. They are no fun, they hurt and they make you swallow your pride and do things you don’t want to do. Yet, they push you deeper into understanding, relationship and knowledge. Hard conversations are not created for what restaurant you are going to for dinner or which movie you are going to watch but where do we stand on certain issues, how to we love despite our differences, and how do we learn to stand for what is right yet allow things that are disputable matters to rolls off our shoulders? We have to come to terms with our own expectations of the world around us and how we respond to unmet needs. We have to come to terms with our ability to meet the needs around us and if we are going to do anything about it. Because if we do, if we help others, if we develop relationships or discuss issues, clashes will happen. It is sooooo worth it.

Coming from one “clasher” to another, choose how and who you want to clash with and clash in a way that brings others respect, dignity, and God glory. To do that is a great success. It will not be pretty, fun or easy but it will be worth it. Here on this journey we are continuously learning how to “clash” the right way. 



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