Trenches of Giddy-ness

This process is crazy. The highs and the lows. Wedding planning is like nothing else that I have experienced. I mean I plan but geez the planning is a whole different world. Everyone says it is supposed to be happy, stressful, and maddening, and at points it has been all of the above, sometimes at the same time. Andrew would say the same. 

It is great to be at this stage. I am so glad we made it this far. We are on the home stretch. Has the process been easy no… has it been fun… yes… have I gotten to accomplish all that I wanted to while trying to plan… you are funny…. but it is really neat to see all the people come out of the woodwork.

I am thankful for the people who are in each of our tribes. This has tested the strands of who was in our corner and so many have been so amazing and we could not truly express the thankfulness we have for what people have already done and we know are yet to do. We also have two gifts that we cannot thank anyone for because we have no idea who sent them to the house. So thank you world for our two gifts that we know not who they are from.

I am one to get giddy on the inside for processes and not show it but only to a select few (I don’t know why but that is what I do). I am ready to marry Andrew to start this crazy new journey and to experience life together the good, the bad, and the ugly. He is training me to argue in a different way which is challenging to me but allows me to think about issues differently. Things I would have originally been completely opposed to he is changing my views and making me realize that my ways are not always the best ways (he is up for a challenge ...) . Excited to be his bride, to be known, and to understand that life is crazy, but better when we are all in it together.

To Andrew, I love you.
To all that have been in the trenches of the planning I (we) love you and I (we) thank you.

Love Elizabeth 


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