So I have not posted in forever (yes I'm a self proclaimed slacker) but I wanted to let the world know of all the neat things that have been going on. God is doing some pretty amazing stuff and so often times we forget what, why and when to thank Him.

Well can you believe in a week a 4 days I finish my first full year of Seminary. Who would have thought this year would have flown so fast.

I have to admit there have been times where I wanted it to speed up and other times to stop with the brakes but God is good. For those of you who have ever considered taking a Seminary course or even for those who have not, DO IT. It is not about the grade but there is so much I learn from the amazing wise people that I get to share my classes with.

Work still is crazy but each day I am reminded that children are a gift from God and despite their messes, screams or markered hands they are still His, and they always bring some crazy thoughts to the table.

Craft projects and renovations are coming along. I am excited to announce I had my first Christmas Party and Open house at my house last night and it went great. Thank you to all of those who came out.

Well that is it for me, more finals and essay writing to do in the morning. Make sure you continue to check out because she is way more awesome at posting faster than I am.

Have a great night and I am signing out.


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