What's your flame?
The ambient glow of the candle light lights up the entire room. There is something about this light that is powerful and stronger than any traditional form of lighting. For this light is emitted by the destruction of the wick from which it's light is able to be birthed. Something about this light is different. It is in this wavering, flickering and inconsistent rays that we find hope, peace and joy.
There is something that this natural fire stirs in our own hearts. It opens a door that may have been closed for a long time or brings new meaning to something that we traditionally overlook or take for granted.
Just like this light is emitted from the candle the warmth and glow, Nothing can compare. No creation of man or rendition can bring meaning like this innocent flame which at any minute could be extinguished or could burst into flame.
Our journeys are the same. We are a natural force that at times can be a flame or extinguished. Many times we try and pull off a fake version of ourselves, a version that people can see through and people can ignore, disregard, downgrade or simply see through.
However when our journeys are real, when our lives are authentic, when our passions are displayed and untied with the One true flame, Our hearts, our lives light up a darkened room.
It is in this wavering yet present faithfulness that we lead others to the light that others see reality and depravity.
Is your flame real?
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