The Lenten Struggle

It's day two and the struggle with lent is already upon me.

I guess that is the point. Doing something you are not used to that brings you to more of an awareness of God and His provision. I love the season of Lent. It is different in Advent for Advent seems to get swallowed by the holiday madness, the chaos, and the simply hectic lifestyle but Lent for me is different.

There isn't a big holiday that we are decorating for or buying gifts for. Many families don't place the emphasis on getting together for Easter like they used to or never even really worried about it and the yearly date change of Lent provides for interest in what family functions or other things you want "what you give up, or add" to work into the schedule.

In the midst of this season is Valentine's Day which makes it even more interesting how the God we celebrate and ultimately crucify right before Easter loves us so much that He saves each of us individually. Valentine's day though not my favorite holiday because of it commercial popularity grows on me each year that I grow closer to Him. Some of my friends even calling it Val-o-ween, i won't go that far but I totally see where they are coming from. The way that we should live our lives daily as a reflection of perfect love, not this superficial chocolate junk. The bigger, better, best teddy bear, candy, flowers doesn't cut it once a year. Don' t get wrong, I love flowers but 1000 that you get one day and die in three, why not one a day and you have them all year and some to share with friends? (Rant over)

It is a reminder that we are to allow others to annoy us and not get so easily offended. Reminding us that we each have off days and that it is ok to not be ok sometimes. The Facades should be for the wall color and counter backsplashes not for our personalities.

So as I am not saying what I have given up or doing for Lent, know that it is not about what you add on or what you restrain from that makes you better or closer to God than anyone else. What matters is your motive behind each thought, each action, is it bringing you closer to a God that knows, sees and is above all. If it is not bringing you closer to Lent then it might not be needed.

Many thoughts and prayers on this journey we are in together not just 38 days remaining but the lifetime of love that God deserves and that He wants each of us to give to one another.

I love this list I just found this morning through a friends facebook from Greater Things Today. Take some time to look and pray over it as well.


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