Christmas Gift Tags!

We had a fun time thinking and beginning to create our Christmas Gift Tags.
Andrew was not sure what was going on at first but by the end, he caught on and was making them prettier than mine.

Special thanks to Jordan for helping with the hole punching and string cutting we are almost ready for our presents just need to add a little trunk on the bottom but they were too cute not to show.

Supplies needed:

  • Old Book 
  • Scissors 
  • hole punch 
  • ribbon or twine 
  • fingers to bend the paper
  • Christmas music to listen to
  • Pen to write with and write names 

Take the paper and cut it to look like a half circle. Then you fold just an in or two in on the horizontal (where the book was originally bound) side to make a small triangle. Then just fold the paper back and forth along the triangle line and you make a tree, because of the semi-circle it allows your tree to grow wider as you fold.

Then punch a hole in the top and add the ribbon.
Write : TO  and FROM

Now, you have cute Christmas Name tags. 


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