
We are in month four of our one word. To say that Hope has changed my perspective on life is true but not in the way I thought it would so far. I hope for things to get accomplished and hope to move faster or further along with my day and yet there is an expectation of Hope for me to include others in my plan to stop my progression and to allow others “hope” of getting together, meeting, or just hanging out to happen. My hope gets put on the sideline while others receive what they have hoped for. Now I am not saying that time with me is what everyone hopes. No, what I am saying is the perspective change is we can and are often times other peoples form of “hope”.
If they hope to get something accomplished off their list, we can be the one who helps make that happen.
If they hope to move a piece of furniture, we can help get it from point a to point b. Little things provide insight into the hope of others.

Has there been a point in your life where you just “hoped” that God would step in an intervene in a crazy way and just fix the situation. I know I have had plenty of those moments. However, I am always shocked when God uses amazing friends, family and even strangers to be that hope in the situation that I am in. Maybe I am looking for direction or some push to make sure where I think God is calling me to is validated. When you put aside your “hope” to get things accomplished you meet up with a friend for coffee because they “hope” to connect with you. Sometimes you feel left out alone and underappreciated. “What do I get out of this”. In those still moments God inserts wisdom into your friend or family and they speak life into your heart and renew a hope and vision which you have been longing and yearning.

Today’s verse of the day spoke to this analogy. Coming from Proverbs 15:31, “The ear that listen to life giving reproof will dwell among the wise”. I love this imagery. If you listen to reproof you not only live but you live, remain, flourish among the wise. God is so big and so intricate to make the details of our lives his priorities. So my hope is that in some ways we stop “hoping” and start listening, leaning and acting. Through these things our hope is not then fabricated but it is fostered and developed through faith and through foundational understanding that God is for us. What a mind blowing, life altering, unwavering concept. Don’t get caught up in the egotistical mindset that you are everyone’s hope. You are not. (bubble busted) However you are created for a purpose and a promise to be used and to bring God glory. 

Your hope has to align with God’s hope. 

You hope has to be foundational to others, not pedestal, praise worthy, on the verge of pompous propaganda. Hope in Jesus. This lens of hope will open your eyes to obstacles, oppression, obsession and many other things however it will allow you to gaze upon where our hope is truly found. For his ultimate hope is to have a relationship with us.

Here’s to hoping our hope is in Him. 


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