What is your resurrection day?
What is your resurrection day?
Interesting story this weekend was crazy, great but crazy. I was pulled in so many directions and time to reflect did not really happen. I have learned this season is a time where God is showing me His timing and not my timing over and over and over again.
During the second worship service we attended all of the sudden near the end of the service I had a nose bleed. Completely out of the blue but I had to get up walk out of the service and go tend to that and I missed the end of the message. When the service finished and the singing was over I jokingly asked if Jesus resurrected again? I just wanted to make sure I knew how the story ended. All kidding aside I thought about this and reflected today that though everyone was in the room at the same time hearing the same message we all hear different things. We all have different things that are tugging on us. The diagnosis of our own or a loved one, a phone we forgot to turn on silent the annoyance of our cute little adorable child in their Easter outfit for at the moment is driving us absolutely bonkers and the rounds of tic tac toe you have played during the service to keep them quiet has run out or you have a nose bleed. We miss things. ALL THE TIME, we miss things.
We miss things our loved ones say. Things they want us to hear under their breath or behind their words but we just hear what we want. We miss directions, and nudging we even miss God because we are looking for something else at that time and moment. Yet at the end of the day Jesus always and forever will be the resurrected Christ and there is comfort beyond my wildest dreams in this small and huge relief. The understanding that no matter what my planning, my attempt at listening or my nose bleeds that cause me to lose focus He is always there when I return resurrected and able to conquer my deepest fears and by greatest goals.
This realization of the resurrection takes us each a different amount of time and it is during a different part of our story that we realize the depth Christ came to meet us in our depravity and the grace that was extended to each of us. So today I realize the resurrection again, and it is my prayer that tomorrow someone else will realize it as well.
By His grace and on this adventure with Him.
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