Summer Goals

Summer Goals
I have posed the question to others about what they want three goals to be for the summer. This is a great concept, however. I have struggled with my own personal goals for the summer. Get through the summer and enjoy it seems too broad but at the same time that is the place in life where I am. I want to be better than that. There are excuses and life instances and other things that keep coming into play within these goals. Personally all I really want now is rest and not just a nap but the restoring rest that makes all things new that rejuvenates the soul and that replenishes the spirit. I am soul deprived struggling through this season and knowing that I am pushing myself to points I don’t want it to be pushed. How do I meet God and meet others at this point where I don’t feel like putting forth any effort at all?
Where is there a difference between work and play and rest and breathe? How do all of these work together?
The importance is to remember that all things are not always going to balance If we keep the main thing the main thing, everything else will balance out as close as it is going to. I consistently think of the scene from National Treasure where they are on the platform that is the most level in the middle but when they start walking toward the edges they begin to make the difference and move the corners up or down. There is only so long that we can stay on the edge without the fear of falling off.
Yet I am flooded by the reality that I need better boundaries and more room to breathe. I thought I had incorporated it into my schedule but that was the problem I was too scheduled. I am learning to embrace the adventure and the rollercoaster of life and Andrew is helping me embrace the reality of true rest and nothing should get accomplished other than rest at those points.
To this I say… “I am a work in progress.”
Following up from when I originally wrote this to when I am not posting this on the blog. I have had three naps in 72 hours and enjoyed the time of the weekend. Now there has been some things to do and some unexpected changes but all it all it has begun the process of reintegrating rest back into my schedule. Today I get to celebrate Andrew and his birthday and that is a great joy along this adventure.


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