Life going your way? Baby Steps
What happens when life does not go you way?
At work recently they have been redoing the floors in the classrooms as preparation for the fall. The tables and the chairs in the hall briefly look like chaos. Things look out of place and disheveled. But it is because things are out of place that they can get in the rooms and get to the floor that is the real reason they are here.
We as a family have dealt a bunch with this recently. Changes in circumstances, understandings, miss communications, over commitment, and under rested leading to lag time, annoyances, and frustrations. We all get to this point. Our self care that I mentioned earlier is not completed and we impact others as well set ourselves up for this repeat cycle. When we are stuck in a crisis we stick with what we know. That is not a time that we plan or think about a different way of doing things. It feels as if during this time things are stacked against us and there is no end in sight.
Sometimes we don't like dealing with the chaos to get to the final result. Anyone who has or is planning a wedding can say the same thing. There are times when chaos is just all around you. Everywhere you look there is one more step, one more thing to do. Yet that planning will create a day for you to create memories for a lifetime. Things will not all go as planned but it will be the beginning of a journey.
Chaos from the furniture in our house, to the clothes I need to wash to the cabinets that you saw the other day I need to clean surround me. Yet I try not to focus on all of the things but what things can I do in the moment. In the morning right when I wake up I can start a load of laundry that will be finished by the time I leave and that I transfer in the dryer right when I get home. I can sit in the kitchen floor for 5 minutes and take everything out of the cabinet wipe it down and then put it back in. I can put myself and Andrew to a timer test and have to have the room rearranged in 30 minutes and then breathe when it is done. It is constant little things that I can stop for 3 minutes and work on that then don't make me spend hours on usually later. Am I the best at this? No! But we are working to knock things out.
I have found men have a harder time doing this because they are often linear thinkers. They focus on one process till it is finished then turn their attention to the next. To combat this and allow for things to happen at the same time is to break down these thoughts into smaller steps. Then they can switch subjects and not be as focused on the one thing for 3 hours and not use that time wisely. They often like things in sequential order so if we can create lists that reflect both of these we are better off.
Little steps make a big difference.
What little steps can you take today to make for a better tomorrow? Can you pre make your breakfast, or make your lunch the night before? Can you clean out a junk drawer while watching a movie? These things will help reduce stress and give you a better house environment.
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