Cultivate Relationships while at Work

Put down your phone. When you are not on the work call put down your phone and pay attention to people!
Ask about their lives. When you are waiting 5 minutes before that meeting. Put away the laptop and say How was your weekend? Didn’t your son just graduate? What is your favorite movie? It may seem trivial at first but commit their answers to memory and the next time you are in a meeting say how is your son doing after graduation? Have you gone hiking anymore since the last time we talked? I loved Indiana Jones as well have you seen National Treasure.
Be sincere, if you don’t care don’t roll your eyes but you are capable of transitioning subjects without being rude.
Take the initiative. You all have to eat, you all are part of some family unit or organization and you all have the same basic human needs. Capitalize on that. Invite a co-worker for lunch before a meeting you both have together. Don’t talk about work just talk about the day. Yes, you can even start with the weather. What is their favorite season. The more you know and remember (that is the key) the deeper each conversation will become. The best buddies may never happen but their will be trust, respect and mutual support built into your job by just saying hello, and remembering a few tiny details and taking a moment to care.
Author: Elizabeth Kilby
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