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What do you eat when you are on the go?

As I grow up I come to realize that more and more our bodies become programmed to what we feed it. Not just literally but mentally and emotionally as well. Movies I used to be able to watch now I can’t stand because of some principles that I am fully aware of but previously overlooked. Processed food that I loved and sometimes still love I know does not equip my body with the right nutrients. To have will power you have to press through the times in which you don’t want to do things to get past that point and get them accomplished. Your body is one big muscle and what you train it to do it will crave. Super foods are not really my thing but I have found a few things that my body loves and I feel better for it. Top ten foods that are easy on the go 1. WATER, WATER, WATER 2. Real Juice (boost those antioxidants) 3. Oatmeal (make your own little packages) or oatmeal balls easy pop in mouth for energy boosting 4. Real applesauce/ orange/ apple 5. Quick homemade wrap (turkey...

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